Wednesday, March 10, 2010

German Shepherd Puppies at Week One!

You'd think that having the puppies in our room would keep us up all night, but we slept like babies! All it took was an eye mask, and a pillow over our heads...

The puppies all made it through their first week. Their eyes are closed, their ears have not yet opened, and all they are doing is eating, sleeping, and crying.

Bailey's German Shepherd instincts are serving her well-she is feeding the puppies constantly and keeping everyone happy. With 14 puppies, there are way too many mouths to feed, so we are bottle feeding the puppies. It's a bit crazy, but we are giving each a turn with Bailey and feeding the rest with the bottle or syringes while she does her job.
They are a little weird looking still, and we are excited for them to start playing!

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